Monday, September 19, 2011

Stuck in Stelvio

I'm still in Stelvio skiing, and it has been perfect! Whole last week was sunny but the snow was still hard and my skiing was really good. Because i was sick i only got one day of GS in course and 2 days of slalom. But I was so stoked and a bit surprised how well it went, i'll put in a video when i get back home;)

The last to days haven't been as awesome as last week. It has been snowing like crazy and yesterday was really windy and foggy as well. Cause of the snowstorm the lifts are closed and we are stuck at the hotel. The roads down from the mountain are closed as well. Tomorrow is the last day of skiing, and the weather is supposed to be better. So it looks like we're going to get some powderskiing:D
The day after tomorrow we're driving down to the Head factory so Brynjar can pick up some skis and boots. When we're done there we will drive to Frankfurt and stay at Hotel Ibiz for one night(Y). Then on thursday we're flying to Iceland. I'm really exited to get back home, BUT MOST OF ALL  i'm exited to get McDONALDS at the airport:D:D

 Me and the guys took a walk up the mountain and found a bunch of caves and tunnels from world war1.

The view from the fitness room is amazing 

One of the lifts up on the glacier

Road down from the mountain 

This picture taken in Italy on the way up to the glacier, reminded me of Iceland

On our day off we went shopping in Livigno, a town where all the stores are duty free(Y)(Y)

 Sunday at 8:00am
 Sunday at 4:00pm 
Monday at 8:00am

-peace and love-

Monday, September 12, 2011

Stelvio, Italy

Soooo I arrived at Stelvio last friday after a loong trip. I flew from Iceland to Hamburg with Brynjar and Sturla and then we had to drive for 12 hour's. We're staying at a hotel called Baita Ortler wich is 3000meters above the ocean. The air here is thinner then i'm used to, so i get tired way faster then i'm used to. But that just means i'll be in better shape when i get back home x)

The ski slopes are awesome, and it's been sunny every day since we arrived. It's about 20°C warm during the day but in the night it gets below zero, so the slopes are always hard. We were free skiing the first 2 days so today was the first day we were gonna to ski in a course.  Unfortunately i've been lying in bed sick all day, but hopefully i get to ski tomorrow.

Driving trough the woods

The road up to Stelvio has 48 U-turns!

The first day on skis 


my new blog

Since i'll be traveling a lot this year i decided to get a blog. Now u can follow up on what i'm doing and were i'm at. I'll put in pictures and maybe some videos from my trips.
This is the first post so it will only be a short one.. Soon i'll put in some news and photos from Italy!;)