Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Now i'm back home after 2weeks in Austria. I got to ski a lot, and had some really good on- and off-snow training. The weather was pretty good most of the time and the team was great! We had a lot of fun together.
We went shopping on our day off and i bought a bunch of baby clothes for Dagnys little prince. He's going to look so cool in his new Rolling Stones and The Beatles t-shirts:D I also got a new hat for myself. So now i got a pretty nice hat collection from H&M(Y).
The last week in Austria I got my new helmet, goggles and sunglasses from Uvex, my gloves from Hestra, and ski poles from Komperdell. Everything looks awesome! but i must say the helmet is a liiittle bit too green...

It's really nice being back home. I arrived on sunday and i've just been relaxing and having fun with my boyfriend on Selfoss. On monday I had an interview for a small skipaper called "skíðahandbókin" wich comes out in desember. Later today i'm going to Akureyri. I will stay in Akureyri over the weekend and then i'll go back to Selfoss for a couple of days before I leave for Sweden.
I'm really looking forward to the weekend. I'm going to hang out with my friends and family and then on sunday Dagny and Valur are gonna give their  little boy a name. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be Katrínus..

I don't know for sure when i'm leaving for Sweden but it's gonna be someday next week. I'm pretty exited but at the same time i really want to stay in Iceland a bit longer. It's hard always being away from home.

Warming up for beach volleyball 

I stole this nice poster from the guys and i decided to put it up in the girls room.

The new GREEN helmet and goggles.

I found a ship in Frankfurt and decided to sail home

coming down from the hill on the last day in Mölltal.

mcdonalds king!

-love and piece-

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Austria baby

aaaaalright it's time for a new blog!
I'm in Austria now with the national team and the junior team. We got here last friday, but the 2 weeks between my trips i was in Iceland chillin with my friends and family and doing some dryland training. My sister was suppose to have her second baby when i was in Italy but the little guy waited for me and was born on september the 27th. He is the cutest baby ever!!<3

Then the 7th of october i flew with the team to Frankfurt and then we drove for 10 hours to Mölltal. The glacier was closed the first 2 days which suucked! Then on the 3rd day we went up to the glacier even though the weather was crazy. We skied one run in really bad conditions and then they closed the lift and we went back down to the hotel.
The guys from Sweden who were training with us in Italy are here as well. We had a football match, Iceland vs. Sweden and of course we won. Then we had a volleyball math and they owned us.. which sucks cause I hate to loose.

The last 2 days the weather has been much better and the conditions up at the glacier are getting really good. Down at the hotel the weather is awesome! sunny and around 25°C.
 We skied giant slalom today and it went ok. I got some things i need to work on but it's getting better and better, and faster and faster.

Nýfæddur sonur Dagnýja og Vals

picture from Italy

I will put in some more news and photos later:)
