The first races of the season are over. I didn't do as well as i had hoped, but i'm trying out a new thing and i'm only going to focus on the positive things. I got bad results because I did some crucial mistakes and lost a lot of time on the flat. But that doesn't matter, I know I was skiing really good in the steep part, and i got a lot of compliments. I'm also pretty stoked that I finished 2 slalom races in a row. For me thats really good if u look at last winter where i only finished 4 of 13 slalom races.
Enough about that.. today i'm gonna ski giant slalom for the first time in over a month and i'm soooooo excited. It's going to awesome.
I was only gonna write a short blog this time to tell u about the races. It must be so boring reading a long blog with no pictures. I will try to remember my camera and take some pictures for the next post;)
proverb of the day: A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty;);)
Coolest and sexiest people of the month:
-Peace and Love-
the green freak