Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I havent posted a blog for a month now due to boredom! There wasn't any snow in Sweden so i didn't go there like I had planed, and i had to change my flight like 5 times.  I was suppose to go to Sweden the first of november but instead i went to Norway the 23rd. I hadn't skied for a month so the first day didn't go so well. I've been here for 7 days now and i've had 5 days of skiing, i've only been skiing slalom and it has been going way better then i thought it would. The weather reminds me a bit of iceland! One day it's snowing and the next day it's raining cats and dogs. It has also been really windy.. which sucks balls;/

Tomorrow i got my first race of the season! It's slalom and i'm a bit nervous. There is another slalom race on friday and then i got one week of training before the next race:) 

I'm staying in Geilo and I love it! it's so good to be back. I will be staying here until the 15th of december then i'll go to Hafjell for some races. After that, on the 21st, i'm flying home to Iceland for christmas:D

Photo of the week:

Joke of the month! 
Why did the elephant bring toilet-paper to a party?? 
Because he was a party pooper!!!! 

                                 -Peace and looove-

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